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How can I make packages for other platforms?

We cannot guarantee that it will work, but the rendering process is implemented in the standard Niagara and Material nodes, so there is a good chance that it will work on non-Windows platforms.

To create the package for platforms other than Windows, Linux, and Android, you need to add the platforms to line 22 and line 32 of "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\ThreeDGaussians\ThreeDGaussians.uplugin".

How do I reduce the package size?

  • Set the Spherical Harmonics Degree to "Degree 0".
  • Delete "sh1" to "sh11" texture assets in the content browser. You will get a reference relationship warning when deleting, but force the deletion.

I placed the imported BP to a level, but nothing hoppens

  • Make sure one or more of the Enabled Blocks are set to True.
  • Make sure that the real-time rendering of viewport is turned on. (Ctrl+R)

Editor crashes when I placed the imported BP to a level

Most likely there is not enough memory on the GPU. Please try the following

  • Enable only one or a few of Enabled Blocks
  • Place BP on an empty level

Rendering result is incorrect

  • When Split by Morton Order, check while Play In Editor. The rendering order is sorted only during Play.
  • When Split by the distance, the blocks are correctly rendered only when camera is placed in the block nearest to the origin.

Rendering results do not match the official viewer

Since our implementation is fundamentally different from the official implementation of the viewer, rendering results do not always match.

One way to increase the rendering accuracy is to increase "Sprite Size" in Details tab of the BP.
This will increase the size of the sprite on which gaussians are rendered and ensure that the edges of the gaussians are rendered correctly.

Rendering result is incorrect in SceneCapture2D

Turn on "Default > Advanced > Render As 2D Gaussians" in the details tab of the BP.

The original rendering method of 3D Gaussian Splatting requires the calculation of the sprite size and orientation based on the relative position of each gaussian to the camera. This plugin uses Niagara to perform this calculation, but Niagara does not evaluate the SceneCapture2D's camera position, etc. Turning on "Render As 2D Gaussians" switches to an approximate rendering method that does not require the calculation which usess the camera information. Strictly speaking, the rendering result is inaccurate, but it is hardly noticeable.

Official Implementation of 3D Gaussian Splatting is not available for commercial use, how about this plugin?

  • This plugin is implemented from scratch using Niagara and Material's node-based programming without any source code from the official implementation. (It does not even contain CUDA or HLSL source code). Therefore, this plugin itself is available for commercial use just like any other product in the Unreal Engine Marketplace.
  • However, the user is responsible for the origin of the data created by the user. Data created in a manner forbidden for commercial use cannot be used for commercial purposes.
  • There is an Apache-2.0-licensed unofficial implementation. See Convert from unofficial implementation.

Is 3D Gaussian Splatting a family of photogrammetry?

No, the underlying mechanisms are very different.

Is 3D Gaussian Splatting a family of NeRF?

No, the underlying mechanisms are very different.

Is 3D Gaussian Splatting a family of Differentiable Rendering?
