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State save and load

You can save and load “states” that hold the current settings and conversation history.

Save to / Load from Asset

  • Call SaveStateToAsset function to save the state asset to the specified path.
  • Call LoadState function to load the state from the specified asset. All the current settings and conversation history are discarded. The model is re-initialized with the loaded settings and the conversation history.

Save to / Load from Slot

As in the usual Save Game, state can be saved to a slot specified by the Slot Name and User Index.

  • Call SaveStateToSlot function to save the state to the specified slot.
  • Call LoadStateFromSlot function to load the state from the specified slot. All the current settings and conversation history are discarded. The model is re-initialized with the loaded settings and the conversation history.
Use Save Game objects directly

To use Save Game objects directly with Create Save Game Object or Load Game from Slot, you can save and load state as described above using the following two functions.

  • Save State function: Writes state to the specified LocalLLMSaveState object.
  • Load State function: Read state from the specified LocalLLMSaveState object.

Initialize from state saves

To initialize the LLM with saved states, select the Local LLM component and make the following settings in the Local LLM > Initialization Method in the Details tab.

  • Initialization Method = Saved State: Use to initialize by loading a saved state from an asset. Specify asset to load by Saved State.
  • Initialization Method = Saved State from Slot: Use to initialize by loading a saved state from a slot. Specify the slot to load by Slot Name and User Index.

Especially if the Initial Prompt and Talk History are long, loading the saved state will initialize the LLM faster than initializing the LLM in the usual way.